Tuesday 20 March 2012

Stylish blog award

Waaaa, thank you so much Aimee Long from New-York Doll  for awarding me this!
It's always so nice to hear and see that my blog is actually being read and appreciated!

This award comes with some rules:
  1. Thank and link to the person who awarded you.
  2. Share 7 things about yourselves.
  3. Award other recently discovered great blogs.
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they won.
7 things about myself
1. I absolutely love pilates. 
2. Just this past year I have fallen in love with sushi and sea food in general.
3. I drink at the very least 5 cups of tea a day.
4. I'm flying to Orlando on Thursday morning and being spoilt with business class and the V.I.P lounges at both airports! Love you parentals.
5. I love it when you lot comment on my posts! 
6. I love making lists. Anything that can be made into a list, will be made into a list.
7. I've just finished packing for going home tomorrow!
Who I'd like to award this to

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