Thursday 31 May 2012


So the other day I came across a video on YouTube and I'm a bit confused as to what it really is, but it seems to be documentry about homeless man named Wilbour. There are only two episodes at the moment, and it's a tad confusing as to who has made them, and what message they're trying to put across to viewers. But what's really interesting is that Wilbour has a Twitter account (@thatwilbour), I think the producer must have given him a phone to tweet from, I actually really like this because it sort of gives insight into what it's really like to be homeless.
"Alrite. Jed got arested last nite for puting a traffic cone on his hed. Lucky sod got a roof over his head for the nite, guttd"
"PRODUCER:Sorry you have not heard from Wilbour yet he had a run in last night,with a bottle of ASDA's finest vodka,and has only just awoken!"

You can find both episodes here.
Check it out and let me know what you think, or if you have any ideas to what it's about. I'll keep you updated if I manage to find out anything else!

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