I like to read good books, and so should you.
Paul Broks is a Neuro-psychologist. This book is about some of his patients and some of his thoughts, dreams, and contemplation's. I find it hard to describe it any way other than this: it is one of the most beautiful books I have ever read in all my life. I'm not ashamed to say I think it may have changed my life. |
If you're interested in Secret Societies then you need to get this book! And by interested I don't just mean you read Dan Brown once and you like conspiracy theories, I mean if you're really interested in esoteric teachings and are prepared to learn about them all step by wonderful step. It's a page turner book definitely, but it's one of those books where I have to read some pages twice, just to make sure I fully understand and have taken it in. |
Paddy Doyle's account of his experiences as a child growing up in Ireland, and attending an Industrial School is truly moving and mind-numbingly gorgeous in a disturbing way. He's one of those individuals you're happy to share the planet with. |
This is exactly what it says on the tin and is perfect if you want to know about Cryptography but not at the level that would probably make your brain turn to water. |
Such a good book for helping you understand Plato. It goes through each chapter of Plato's book the Republic and takes it apart for you. Not only does it make it easier to understand, but it also made me appreciate the way Plato wrote it originally. |
Shamefully i have not read any of these books but im really interested to read 'into the silent land' sounds pretty amazing. Im purchasing now :) thanks for the recommendation your like my fav blogger atm xx\
ReplyDeleteTell me what you think when you've read it :) it really is beautiful! & that's the sweetest thing :) thank you so much; it means a lot!xxxx